Steveston Sandhead Lightstation RepairRichmond, B.C. Canada
The Sandheads lightstation was re-constructed in year 2000. It has a 12.5m x 6.44m elevated pile supported concrete deck which comprises of 350mm thick precast concrete panels with 100mm to 150mm thick concrete topping supported by three 520mm x 990 to 1040mm deep cap beams, which in turn, was supported on 508mm diameter vertical and batter steel piles. All steel piles were completely in-fill with concrete throughout the entire length of the piles. Reinforcing cage was also installed full length of the pile and extended into the cap beams to tie the piles and the pile cap beams together. There were damages caused to the Steveston Sandheads lightstation in a recent incident in mid-January 2006 when a barge was trying to maneuver to pass the lightstation and collided apparently with the lightstation |